About Shannon

A Healer and Educator

For nearly 30 years Shannon has supported the upliftment of humanity through education and spiritual development endeavors throughout the world. In 2009 she launched her initial healing practice InannAkasha. Shannon's offerings continue to evolve and she is thrilled to be bringing her work more public, always on behalf of the highest good.

A Safe Space for Discovery and Restoration

Shannon is committed to providing a safe and welcoming space for her clients. She works as a channel of divine light and guidance to assist people in aligning with their essence so they can experience more freedom and joy.

A Lantern to Share

We are in the throes of a major shift in the evolution of humanity, and Shannon has a lantern to share. These times require us to go within, to anchor ourselves in the light, to clear that which no longer serves, and to fortify our innate power and wisdom.

What People Are Saying

Shannon has three decades of education and training with some of the foremost transformational programs and thought leaders around the world, including:

M.A. Teaching

Women’s Leadership Certificate

Quimby Amenti Mystery School

Heaven on Earth Wisdom School

Noetic Balancing Practitioner

Akashic Records Practitioner

Transformational Healers Program

Visionseeker Shamanic Training

Damanhur Past Life Research

International End-of-Life Doula Association (INELDA)

Bral Talej Training

Landmark Education

Empowerment Institute

Inspiration comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.